Tuesday 30 April 2019

Stuart Hall mass communication

Preferred - how they (the people producing the media) want you to perceive it.
Oppositional - the opposite of what they want you to think
Negotiated - you agree with some things but not others, you're sitting on the fence.
Abhorrent - you get a message but not what they intended, it's something that you come up with on your own as a consumer, it's how you perceive it.

Hypodermic needle - suggests the media inject a message into us and shapes our responses to it. It's outdated because we as the audience can think for ourselves, and the whole ideal of the hypodermic needle is them relying on us not having our own thoughts.

Passive and active viewing - passive (the audience comply with the message that's presented)/active (filtering content/resisting messages/reinterpreting)

Uses and gratification model - it suggests that audiences today are active and can think for themselves. It believes that we're in control of the media, the media isn't telling us how to think, what to buy, etc

Personal relationships - social interaction, something to talk about.
How I use it: I'm an active poster on the social media site reddit, and on reddit there are thousands of subreddits which are dedicated to a certain show. For example I consistently view the Sopranos subreddit, and despite the show ending in 2007 there are still posts about it today which allows me to learn something new about a show I thought I knew everything about.

Surveillance - educational purposes or to solve problems.
How I use it: when I need to know something I search out a video/article which'll help me. For example my little brother recently got a gift card for his Nintendo Switch, and he asked me to put the money on for him. I didn't know what to do so I went to YouTube and found a video which showed me exactly what I was looking for.

Personal identity - forming opinions, understanding ones self, influencing behaviors.
How I use it: when I see documentaries about a certain corporation/individual it often shapes how I see them. And influencing behaviors is a big one, after watching The Office (US) fully for the first time I often pick up habits from the characters, for example I find myself saying 'that's what she said!' often just like Michael Scott did throughout the show.

Diversion - entertainment, escape, habit, passing the time.
How I use it: when I'm bored/need to pass a certain amount of time I'll just put on any random show/movie.

Intertextuality: all media products are influenced by others, some may make references to one another. And we as the audience see and recognize other examples of media in the current media we're watching.

1985 - Bowling for Soup
Makes references to: Bruce Springsteen, U2, Madonna all famous musicians at the time.
Also refers to Breakfast Club, a 1985 film directed by John Hughes.

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