Client issues a commission brief to potentially interested parties
Media pros research and develop their ideas to respond to the commission. They then pitch their ideas to the client presenting using: rationale, proposal and treatment (you'd use a storyboard to show how the product would work)
Client commissions the idea they feel meets what they're looking for.
Client feedbacks on progress.
Target audience (aims of the commission)
Platform - How to achieve said goal -
Aim of the product
Additional features/content
Rationale structure
State how the overall product will meet the key features of the commission
Explain how the product will address the needs of the target audience
Explain how the product will address the themes of the commission
Explain how the product will meet the intended aims of the product
State how your creative ideas will produce a successful and effective product
Conclude with convincing justifications for why your proposals should be accepted
(Social grade, psychographics, demographics)
Part 1
Outline who the product is aimed at
Why are you targeting these groups
What is the aim of the product? Why do we need this product
How will this target audience influence your ideas for the product?
Part 2 - primary research
Create a questionnaire, minimum of 6 questions
Look at the exemplar for ideas on the sorts of questions to ask
Ask your target audience to complete your questionnaire
These responses will need to inform your ideas in some way, so make sure your questions are relevant/will help you come up with ideas that can be included in the product.
Before the assessment turn your results into pie charts and paste them onto your notes
Explain how this primary research will affect your ideas (Eg: However, no boys answered this questionnaire possibly suggesting that they need to become more aware. This has influenced decisions that will be made when making the final video to show that self-harming is not only carried out by girls but boys do it too)
Part 3 - secondary research
Existing products, what can you learn from them? How will your work follow 'repetition and difference' (Neale, Genre theory)
Explore further by sourcing at least 2 websites
The sort of information you are looking for - statistics, expert opinion, studies, individual stories etc
Make sure you explain how this research will influence your ideas, eg: this statistic heavily impacted my target audience as the commission needs to not only be fixated on girls but boys also, if not even more as boys are considered as more fearful to speak out about self-harm
Part 4 - understanding the client/commission
Who are they?
What is their key message?
What do they hope to achieve from this product?
Part 5 - ideas generation
Come up with 3 suitable ideas for your product. In the exam you will need to describe a plot synopsis in detail. Eg: one of the exemplar idea is 15 lines long.
Then explain how these 3 ideas will measure against the client's criteria
Then choose one of your ideas to pitch. Justify your choice
Then develop your idea
Justify the developments of your idea
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